Step 2) Next, note the product information including the EDS file name so you can get the correct EDS file from the vendor: Step 3) If it's a Rockwell product, head up to and from the Downloads link choose Electronic Data Sheets: Step 4) On this page enter in the Network, Device Type, and the first four characters of the catalog number. Easiest way is to go online with the new system and download through FTAM, but you can also do it semi-offline by creating a challenge file on the new host and uploading that to Rockwell's activation site. It'll give you a response file that you take back to the new host to actually install the license.

  1. Rockwell Activation Data File Format
  2. Factorytalk Activation Data File
  3. Rockwell Activation Data File Viewer
Can you clarify exactly what you're doing with the 'thumb drive' ?
It sounds like you're using the old EVRSI activation method and storing the activation file (EVRSI.SYS) on a removable USB storage device 'thumb drive'. You might remember using the EVMOVECF utility to place the activation file there.
RA has been very slowly migrating away from EVRSI to FactoryTalk Activation, which uses a plaintext *.LIC file that's created to be tied to a specific attribute of a computer, like a hard drive Volume ID, the MAC ID of a network adapter, or a special hardware ID of a Rockwell activation 'dongle'.
That RA activation 'dongle' might also be thought of as a 'thumb drive'; the newer ones also have some storage onboard.
For a very long time, PLC logic editors like RSLogix 500 and RSLogix 5000 have supported both EVRSI and FactoryTalk activation methods.
RA finally stopped supporting EVRSI with RSLogix 5000 v20, but I think that RSLogix 500 has retained the ability to use the old activation method.
At this point you've done a bunch of uninstall/reinstall and registry cleaning, so you may have done more harm than good.
Your first step should be to determine which activation method your older computers are actually using.

Rehosting an activation removes the activation from the current host device and returns it to the pool of activations on the activation server. If the computer using the activation does not have an Internet connection, transfer the activation data file to a removable storage device and take it to a computer with Internet access to perform the rehosting process.

Rockwell activation data file formatActivation

On a computer without an Internet connection, you cannot select a quantity of activations less than the total number of activations. All activations are removed from the local computer.


Both the computer connected to the Internet and the computer disconnected from the Internet must run the same version of FactoryTalk Activation Manager.


Rockwell Activation Data File Format

To rehost an activation from a computer without an Internet connection:

Factorytalk Activation Data File

  1. On the computer without an Internet connection, attach the storage device and start FactoryTalk Activation Manager. Select the activations to rehost using the following steps:
    1. Click Manage Activations > Rehost Activations.
    2. On the Choose Phase page, select I need to select the activations I want to bind to a different computer or dongle and click Select Data File.
    3. On the Select Data File page, create the data file to use for rehosting. Use the default file name (FTAManagerData.xml) and location. Or, specify a different file name and location in the File location box by clicking Browse to navigate to and select the file. Or, type the name and path of the file directly in the space provided.
    4. Click Select Activations. In the activations table, select the Product check box for each activation to rehost.
    5. Click Next Steps. A confirmation window lists the selected activations. Click Continue to proceed, or click Cancel to end the procedure without removing the activations.
    6. On the Next Steps page, click Go to Data File Location to open the file folder in Windows Explorer. Copy the data file to a removable storage device.
  2. Go to a computer with an Internet connection. Transfer the activations to the pool of activations using the following steps:
    1. Click Manage Activations > Rehost Activations.
    2. Click Import From Data File. By default the data file copied to the removable storage device is selected. Click Open. Select the check box next to the activations to rehost.
    3. Click Continue Rehosting. The Confirm Activation Removal dialog box opens. Click Continue or click Cancel to return to the Select Activations page. The Contacting Rockwell Automation Activation Service progress bar is displayed while the activations are being processed. The data file is updated to indicate that the activations have been rehosted.
  3. Return to the computer without an Internet connection, attach the removable storage device, start FactoryTalk Activation Manager and perform the following steps to finish the rehosting process:
    1. Click Manage Activations > Rehost Activations.
    2. On the Choose Phase page, select I need to remove rehosted activations from this machine and click Select Data File.
    3. Select the name and location of the data file on the removable storage device and then click Next Steps. The confirmation dialog opens. Click Continue to complete the removal of the activation.
  4. Go to a computer with an Internet connection. Transfer the activations to the pool of activations using the following steps:
    1. Click Manage Activations > Rehost Activations.
    2. Click Import From Data File. The removable storage device is selected. Click Open. Select the check box next to the activations to rehost.
    3. Click Continue Rehosting. The Contacting Rockwell Automation Activation Service progress bar is displayed during the process.

See also

Rockwell Activation Data File Viewer

Keywords: activations, rehost, no internet, disconnected, internet, data, file